The Key one, for whatever reason, was # 3 close the message, select SharePoint ( OneDrive! The benefits of requiring check-out and check-in include the following: Better control of when document versions are created. A document library owner can enable content approval for a document library and, optionally, can associate a workflow with the library to run the approval process. If major versioning is being used and a new document is uploaded to the document library, it is added to the library in the Pending status and is not viewable by users who have read permissions until it is approved as version 1. Leave family group or remove members How To Turn Off Turning a tangled mess into a smooth end-to-end process that frees up your time and boosts productivity. If major and minor versioning is being used and a new document is uploaded to the document library, it can be added to the library either in the Draft status as version 0.1 or the author can immediately request approval. When the user is ready to check in the document, the latest changes are made visible to others and published. Step-1 If you are using a modern SharePoint list or library, click on the gear icon and then click on List Settings /Library Settings like below: sharepoint content approval settings Open the SharePoint list or document library and click on Library Settings like below, if you are using a classic SharePoint site. By default, the Approval Status of each existing items will be Approved. To hide OneDrive from File Explorer, open File Explorer and in the folder list on the left, right-click OneDrive and then click Properties. In this case, the document's status becomes Pending. When a document is checked out, the author can save the document without checking it in. OneDrive is built in to some versions of Windows and can't be uninstalled. Use major and minor versioning when you want to differentiate between published content that can be viewed by an audience and draft content that is not yet ready for publication. This is all you need to know on SharePoint content approval permissions. You may like following SharePoint tutorials: Here I have explained what is content approval in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013/2016? Otherwise, remove permission for related users. Close the Welcome to OneDrive box that appears. Type the following command to enable built-in admin account: What you can do is create a custom permission level and not allow access to the older versions. When the flow panel opens, click Next.
If a SharePoint list or document library has a document approval feature enabled, then when a user adds an item or document to a document library, it will not available to all the users, the item will be in pending stage. because content always returns null in this case, while the version with . Important:If security in the site library is configured to allow any user to read items, then anyone who has Read permissions to the site can see all items in the list or library, whether or not the items are in Approved status. Here we want the only author of the site or the administrator to view so we have selected with Only users who can approve items (and the author of the item).