Which statement is false regarding the COSPAS-SARSAT system and EPIRB operations? Channel 9 on CB and Channel 16 on VHF marine radio (156.8 MHz) are recognized distress channels. forward and inside of all obstructionsC. in the locked position after the boat is cradled and griped down, B. periodically removed for inspection and lubricated, What is the purpose of the limit switch on gravity davits?A. control the ascent rate of a lifeboatC. Which of the following statements concerning satellite EPIRBs is true? USCG Approved Pyrotechnic Visual Distress Signals and Associated Devices include: Pyrotechnic red flares, hand held or aerial Pyrotechnic orange smoke, hand held or floating Launchers for aerial red meteors or parachute flares. Which visual distress signal is acceptable for night use only? numbers and shore contact numbers. Fresh water may be collected from condensation inside the liferaft.D. list.D. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. They are used to steady a lifeboat when lowered. Which of the following is a requirement for PFDs? 12 liters of fresh waterD. 1 life preserver. That may mean you need to carry more than three signals in total. All of the above, A. a turn around a forward thwart with a toggle pin thru the eye. Free online state specific safety course. The SART should be held or mounted as high as possible and in a vertical position. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. What feature is not a component of a 406 MHz satellite EPIRB? have the area surrounding the lever painted whiteD. The sea painter of a lifeboat should be led ________. DANGER, DO NOT TOUCHB. Names of all crew membersB. It is the responsibility of of the master to ensure that _________. What is the primary purpose of the Navigation Rules? Therefore, should you see a distress signal, immediate and positive action should be taken. cutting the line, as you cannot haul it back in. The AIS SART can be detected much farther away than radar SART models. When capsized and floating on your back in a swift river current, how should you position your feet? The outboard section of the cradle must be released.D. True. Body alcohol calculator You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. will chafe against the falls and may cause their failure, Preventer bars are fitted on lifeboat releasing gear to prevent ___________.A. 12 times the diameter of the wire ropeD. Distress Signal Questions Murphy's Manual, Exam 2 Lifesaving Questions Murphy's Manual. the falls from rehooking after they have been releasedD. reduce appetite by decreasing nauseaC. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Head into the waves at a slight angle and reduce speed. Before sailing, When launching a lifeboat, frapping lines should be rigged _________.A. All of the above, B. number of persons allowed in the boat, Blocks and falls used as lifeboat gear must be designed with a minimum safety factor of __________.A. Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what capability? at any time, A sweep oar is an oar that is __________.A. Most handheld visual distress signals (VDS) have an effective range of 3 to 7 nautical miles, depending on Flares are rated for day, night or combined day/night use. governor brakeD. Page 2: Requirements: Flares and Distress Signals, Foundation Findings: Pyrotechnic Visual Distress Signals. Rescues, News, and Life Raft information. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. when stowing the lifeboat after a drill while underway, you should _________.A. A. What is the maximum length of time that distress flares are approved for? WebWhich statement is TRUE concerning distress signals in a lifeboat? Most lifeboats are equipped with ___________. give the occupants a safety line when the boat is being lowered from the embarkation levelD. USCG regulations require that a 14 foot powerboat carry which of the following items between sunset and sunrise? winch brake to lock in position and prevent lowering the boat, A. davit arm to pivot on the traveling nut and the head to fall outboard, In an open lifeboat, the lifeboat compass is usually _______.A. Which of the following would most likely not prevent a SART's signal from being Which statement is NOT true regarding an Inmarsat Distress Alert? Specialized Boating Safety Courses: Become confident in any boating situation. more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blastD. Which is a common first indicator of an approaching thunderstorm? Therefore, when employing pyrotechnic devices, do so only when you see or hear a boat or airplane or you are reasonably sure that someone on shore is in position to see your signal and take action. prevent vibration during lowering of the boatD. What is the proper technique for anchoring? Sat - Sun: 9AM to MIDNIGHT (EST) have a long eye splice at the end, and a hardwood toggle should be attached to the thwart with a lanyardD. Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vesselsB. International Maritime Organization D. American Institute of Maritime Shipping. All of these answers are good operational practice and should be consistently done. What is the proper procedure for using hand-held visual distress signal flares? replaced at each inspection for certificationD. Which of the following EPIRBs is most likely to be used to transmit a Distress alert signal? short enough to avoid tangling, A. long enough to cause the pull to be more horizontal than downward, If a lifeboat is stowed 40 feet above the light water draft and 200 feet from the bow, how long must the sea painter be?A. Which of the following can be affected by alcohol consumption? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". A. oxygenB. The sea painter of a lifeboat should be secured ________. What is the purpose of filing a float plan? 3 short blasts of the ships whistleB. A. One electric distress light, and three hand held orange smoke distress signals; One handheld red flare and two parachute flares; or. Press ESC to cancel. They are used to clear the puddings. They are indicating a dangerous situation exists A boat less than 12 meters (39.4 feet) in length, must have which of the following aboard? three Why is the height of a VHF radio antenna important? If they are marked with a date showing the serviceable life, this date must not have passed. Determine position and closest point of land.D. Federal regulations require that all pyrotechnic distress signals be Coast Guard approved, A. Get flotation to the person and assign a spotter, A serious condition that requires medical attention as a result of cold water immersion. three The abandon ship signal on the ships whistle is _______. C) It is only used to supplement short blasts of the whistle. What must you do if you see another vessel's red and white lights off your starboard bow? Three day/night signaling devices meet both requirements. control the descent rate of a lifeboatB. They're only visible over relatively short distances (line of sight). Red is the international color of distress and indicates that a vessel is in grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance. use the float-free method onlyB. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Foundation Findings: Pyrotechnic Visual Distress Signals. The mechanism controlling speed and direction. Which of the following channels is designated as the VHF follow-on communications channel and is required in all portable survival craft equipment? Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals? A certified lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat should ___________. BoatUS.com
WebTurn on an all-around white light What is being signaled when you hear 5 short blasts from another vessel's horn? Sailboats and powerboats over 9 metres and up to 12 metres (29.5 feet to 39.4 feet) in length must have: 12 type A, B*, C, or D flares (no more than 6 type D) and A watertight flashlight. Click here to access our online ordering system. In the engine roomD. All of the above. To ensure that all crew members are familiar with their duties during emergencies, D. To ensure that all crew members are familiar with their duties during emergencies, The painter which is to be attached to the thwart of a lifeboat should ___________.A. If there will be young children on board, make sure to store your pyrotechnic distress signals in a safe place where they won't be tampered with. Which of the following frequencies have NOT been designated for GMDSS "On-scene" or SAR communications? be fitted at the end with an approved safety shackleB. The lifeboat releasing gear lever should be marked with the words ____________. C. All lifelines shall be able to reach the water at the vessels lightest draft with a 20-deg. from the falls to the main deck of the vessel, C. with a lead of about 45-degs. Be certain that the Y valve is secured in the closed position. Ask the manufacturer how to dispose of your outdated flares. WebA Continuous blast of the whistle for not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the continuous ringing of the general alarm bells for not less than 10 seconds. On offshore drilling units, all lifeboats are required to be marked with the __________. red aerial pyrotechnic flare, C. Hand-held orange smoke distress flare, When should you first have any food or water after boarding a lifeboat or liferaft?A. A Visual Distress Signal ( VDS ) is any device you can use to help others locate your boat quickly in the case of an emergency. The law states that no person may use a distress signal under any circumstances unless assistance is needed because of immediate or potential danger to the persons onboard. 5, based on the maximum allowable stressC. Regulations require all recreational boats operating on U.S. coastal waters, including the Great Lakes, the territorial seas and those waters directly connected to the Great. Small sips at regular intervals during the dayB. A. with a lead of about 45-degs. Which davit type may be operated by one man? Reliable equipment shipped directly to you. keep metal objects away from itD. Visual distress signals include day signals that are visible in sunlight, night signals that are visible in the dark, and anytime signals that can be used both day and night. How often should the inflator on a Type V PFD be checked? Ask the fuel dock staff what to do with it. Operation on Ch-16, watertight, permanently-affixed antenna. lengthening the distance between successive crestsC. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. When operating a boat near other boats or when entering a congested area, why should you watch your wake? US Coast GuardB. 2 yearsC. All of the above, C. have a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboat, Limit switches ________.A. Education
alternating shor and long blasts on the ships whistle, B. continuous sounding of the ships whistle and the general alarm for at least 10 seconds. Every weekC. How often should the inflator on a Type V PFD be checked? When operating a VHF marine radio, when should the term MAYDAY be used? raise all boatsD. WebVisual distress signals (VDS) are used to indicate the presence of a vessel in distress and requesting assistance. limit switch to engage and hold the traveling nut in positionD. He must be trained in the use of the ships lifesaving appliances within what time period? A. Home Flashcards Boat test chapter 2. kept in a lockerB. Flares are rated for day, night or combined day/night use. C. Blood alcohol concentration What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? oar, or paddles can use a flashlight w/ spare battery to meet the requirements of having a Visual Distress Signal on board. Most accidents happen in open motorboats 16 feet or less. drilling locationD. Donate, 2023, BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water, All Rights Reserved, 147 Old Solomons Island Road, Suite 513 Annapolis, Maryland 21401. Pyrotechnic visual distress longer than the others used for steering, D. longer than the others used for steering. What signal is detected as originating from an AIS SART and how is the signal displayed? BOATERexam.com, BOATER EXAM are registered trademarks owned by Fresh Air Educators. What is your vessel's obligation upon receipt of a Distress priority EGC message requesting that vessels report in response to a SAR situation? secured by a toggle to the stem post and led outboard of the falls, C. secured to the inboard side of a forward thwart and led inboard of the falls, Seawater may be used for drinking________.A. getting all hands to assistC. That's why many people are not familiar with how to safely use and care for these devices. periodically removed for inspection and lubricatedC. On offshore drilling units, all lifeboats are required to be marked with the _________. position of the counterweight on the brake handle, Winch drums for lifeboat falls shall have a diameter at the base of the groove equal to at least__________.A. to the foremost point on the ship, A. forward and outside of all obstructions. sailC. The combining of a word root and the combining vowel is called a(n) ___. After the EPRIB's position is calculated using the Doppler shift COSPAS-SARSAT satellites provide follow-on SAR communications. What equipment is required to be on a trailer? As soon as the boat-fall blocks clear the davit headC. The complete daily ration at one time during the dayC. cut off power to the winch when the lifeboat nears the final stowed positionD. Corroding of sheaves on the davits so they will not rotateD. 1 How many visual distress signals must you carry on a boat? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. What action would be the swiftest and most certain way to notify a RCC of a Distress situation aboard your vessel? Seldom, the Rx symbol has a dollar or per cent amount next, explaining what you or your insurance company will pay for prescriptions. Learn about the BoatUS Foundation employees. What part of a satellite EPIRB may function as a visual aid to rescue vessels? A. boring mill When on board and facing the bow of a boat, where is the port side? pull the hook release handleB. Rig the tricing lines.D. Which of these would be a vital to a GMDSS SAR situation in polar regions? prevent loss of body moisture by vomitingD. compressed airD. Doppler frequency measurements provide more precise locations than GPIRB signals. Extreme care should be exercised because testing of the SART may be received by other vessels, may be interpreted as a Distress condition, or it may interfere with other vessels' safe navigation. When should you use distress flares and rockets? Which statement is true regarding Inmarsat "hot-key" Distress Alerts? Rescues, News, and Life Raft information. pull the hook release handle and depress the retainer, B. pull the hook release handle and use the ratchet bar. A. What information should be sent in a detailed Distress message that was not included in the initial "hot-key" Distress Alert? A. name and port of the unitB. A) Automatic sounding of the signals is not permitted. B) Any vessel over 12 meters in length must be provided with a gong. Pyrotechnic signals are visual and attract immediate attention to the casualty of the distressed vessel or persons. Which of the following is a sign that the weather may change for the worse? and anytime signals that can be used both day and night. What are used for visual distress signals? limit switchesB. However, there is potential for injury and property damage if not handled properly. Small sips only after sunset, C. One-third the daily ration three times daily. If your marine toilet has a "Y" valve, what must you do in a No Discharge Zone? The motor takes its air supply from outside the lifeboat to prevent asphyxiation of the crew.C. 60 fathomsB. When you stream a sea anchor, you should make sure that the holding line is __________. A. be painted bright redB. Boaters must have current dated US Coast Guard-approved day and night signals for all boats operating on coastal and open bodies of water. The SART is required to have sufficient battery capacity to operate in the stand-by mode for what period of time? How can a SART's detection and effective range be maximized? One third the length from the bow to where the lifeboat is stowed, When using the rain water collection tubes on a liferaft, the first collection should be __________.A. She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collision. What information should be contained in a detailed Distress message that was not transmitted by an initial Distress "hot-key" alert? 3L of waterB. Email: info@boaterexam.com. 1 unit of provisionsC. Which statement is true concerning visual distress signals? To provide important information in case of an emergency. Lifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collected.C. What is pyrotechnic visual distress devices? Radio signals travel much further. Legal & Privacy Policy, Sounding Off - When and How to Use Sound Signals, Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel Head On, Approaching a Power-Driven Vessel From the Side, Pyrotechnic Equipment Storage and Handling, Number of Required Visual Distress Signals, Uniform State Waterways Marking System - Part 1, Uniform State Waterways Marking System - Part 2. WebWhich statement is TRUE concerning distress signals in a lifeboat? BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which of the following is TRUE of a distress signal? Using a sea anchor with the survival craft will _________. A fully loaded motor-propelled lifeboat must be capable of attaining a speed of at least _________. use and application of special equipmentC. 3 and 1/2 years D. 5 years, The purpose of the tricing pendants is to ________.A. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. WebA visual distress signal (VDS) is any device designed to show that your boat is in distress and help others locate you. Which of the following criteria determines the number of pyrotechnic devices needed on a vessel? Which statement is NOT true regarding the COSPAS-SARSAT system? BAC stands for: What is being signaled when you hear 5 short blasts from another vessel's horn? Why is it important to limit the duration of testing a SART? Visual distress signals include day signals that are visible in sunlight, night signals that are visible in the dark, and anytime signals that can be used both day and night. Take anti-seasickness pills, if available. a pad eye to which the sea painter is made fastD. They are needed only on radial davits.D. Current info to keep you safe, smart & clean, Boat Owners Association of The United States. D. All of the above, The first true machine tool was a ___. During calm, clear weather with light winds. What should you do when operating a boat in large waves and high wind? A. unbalanced ruddersB. Listing of approved emergency equipmentD. have a long eye splice at the end, and a shackle and pin should be attached to the painter with a lanyardC. Self-contained rocket-propelled parachute red flareC. no changes are made to he muster list, B. temporary personnel and visitors are advised of emergency stations. A Visual Distress Signal (VDS) A 14-foot boat operating under oars after dark must show what color light to prevent a collision? For boats 16' in length or greater: One orange distress flag and one electric distress light - or - three hand-held or floating orange smoke signals and one electric distress light - or - three combination day/night red flares; hand-held, meteor or parachute type. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In other words, never use a VDS unless it's an emergency. What feature is shared by pyrotechnic distress signals? 12 hoursB. boat plugD. Blood alcohol calculator WebWhich statement is true concerning visual distress signals? A. a turn around a forward thwart with a toggle pin thru the eye B. a knot around a thwartC. Sufficiently long enough to reach the water when the vessel has an adverse list of 15 degreesD. Your browser either doesnt support JavaScript or you have it turned off. For "On-scene" communications, vessels in Distress and SAR Aircraft should use? Seeing that all hands are familiar with their duties, as specified in the muster list, is whos responsibility? The sea painter is secured in the lifeboat by ________. Which GMDSS equipment is best suited to simultaneous long-range communications with an RCC/coast station and OSC vessels or SAR aircraft? After the limit switich is activatedD. How do I choose between my boyfriend and my best friend? Name/Call sign of vessel, POB, vessel description, all vessel I.D. 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River Trail Middle School Teacher Killed, Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute Neck Profile, Articles W
River Trail Middle School Teacher Killed, Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute Neck Profile, Articles W