The Oti and Obosum formation have nodular structures and it is intensely weathered. recently published a fascinating article about Ghana's visa-free countries. the presence of faults, fractures, etc. The high correlation between levels of education and positive health and other social indicators makes education a very important variable in any development planning at the district level. This trend has serious implications for socio-economic planning. The median age of the population is thus around 19 years. Bawku West is the least endowed, having only 3.7 per cent of all medical staff, followed by Bongo with 4.2 percent. Notably among them is the FEOK and the TENGANA festivals which is celebrated by the people in Builsa and Tongo respectively. It is significant to note that Builsa has hardly any migrants from outside Ghana, Economic and social activities of the district are not the type that attract foreign labour, being almost entirely rural. Agona West Municipal. The picture is the same for all districts and for both sexes. Catholics form the majority of Christians (57.7%) followed by Pentecostal/Charismatic groups (21.7%) and Protestants (12.3%). It is located in the saprock and typically under semi-confined to confined conditions. In Bolgatanga, the use of mud/earth is in almost equal proportions (with a slight advantage in favour of cement). On the whole, migrants from all the other regions in Ghana are also concentrated in the same three districts of Bolgatanga, Bawku East and Kassena-Nankana. The main occupations in the region in order of magnitude are, agriculture and related work (65.9%), production and transport equipment work (14.5%), sales work (9.5%) service work (3.9%), and professional, technical and related work 3.8 per cent. The data indicate that within the limited resources, Bolgatanga is the most endowed in terms of medical staff in 2000, having 41.7 per cent of doctors and 38.4 per cent of all medical staff, including 32.4 of nurses. This should be a matter of great concern. Indeed, both numbers and proportions for all the Christian denominations and the other religions are larger for females than for males. The highest proportion of 44.5 per cent is in Bawku West, while the lowest (33.5%) is in Bongo. Another likely explanation of the substantial imbalance is that men are more likely than women to remarry after the death of a spouse. Household sizes are generally large in each of the districts. The head of household is usually a male. For example, literacy in English only is about 30.0 per cent higher in the region than in Builsa and about 56.0 per cent higher than in the Bawku West, District. In Builsa 2 of the 8 clinics/health centres belong to religious organisations and the rest are government-owned. Communities with no light whatsoever range from 1 per cent in Builsa to 3.5 per cent in Bongo. The observed proportion of the population separated in the region is about the same as the total country figure of 1.8 percent. At the national level, females constitute 50.1 per cent of the population aged seventy years or more; in the region, the proportion is 47.2 percent. The orthodox health service in the region is organised in a four-tier system: regional, district, sub-district and community levels. The age structure of the region is reflected in the age structure of each district. It is estimated that sanitation coverage is less than 5% even though some NGOs have intervened in this area. Some urban centres however decreased in population (e.g., Navrongo, Paga). Bawku West to the East, mother District Talensi to the South, Bongo community to the North, and Bolgatanga community to the West are the areas the community shares boundaries with. There is evidence of over concentration of essential services in Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku, which are all district capitals. Given that in the region, the average household of six persons is a mix of parents (head of household with or without spouse, children and other relatives of different ages and very likely of both sexes), the ideal situation would be an average of two sleeping rooms for the six members. For the country as a whole, only 16.5 per cent of households have a means of burning or burying the waste. This means that the JSS facility is accessible to 78.2 per cent of localities in the region. For the purpose of analysis, the households are classified into five categories: single (1 person), small (2 persons), medium (3-5 persons) large (6-8 persons) and very large (9 persons or more). Market-leading rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers for Banking and finance: transactional work in France Mamprusi, also known as Mamprugu are Mole-Dagbani speaking ethnic group of people found mostly in the northern and upper east regions of Ghana and northern part of Togo. Crops like millet, onion, and tomato are widely grown there. One should, therefore expect more girls than boys in schools. A comparison with the national situation also shows that there is significant difference between the proportions of males and females who have never attended school. The Upper East Region is located in north Ghana [5] and is the third smallest of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana. Since access to flush toilet is largely influenced by the provision of piped water into the housing facility, it is not surprising that 5.2 per cent of households that have the facility are in Bolgatanga. It also reflects the socioeconomic condition of the household. Most working children in the district are mainly self-employed without employees (61.4%), unpaid family workers (35.1%) and domestic employees (1.6%). The Akans perform the Adowa dance, which gets its name from the movements of the antelope (Adowa). It also reflects the extent of fostering in the living arrangements of households (Ghana Statistical service, 2002). The proportion aged 65 years or older is 6.9 percent. The proportion of households using these methods of disposal is below 90 per cent in only Bolgatanga and Bawku East. Ethnicity and languages The major ethnic groups in Upper East fall under the broad categories of Mole Dagbon (74.5%), Grusi (8.5%), Mande-Busanga (6.2%) and Gurma (3.2%). The Districts are further subdivided into Area/Town Councils/Unit Committees , Talensi-Nabdam (carved out of Bolgatanga) with its capital at Tongo and Garu-Tempane (carved out of Bawku East) with its capital at Garu Tempane, have been created. Some people even use chamber pots or other small receptacles (including plastic bags) and dispose of these in all sorts of places including open fields, streams and gutters. In the country as a whole, only 4.5 per cent of households have an adequate facility (i.e. The implications of the female excess for sexual and reproductive behaviours should also be a matter of great concern even after taking into account the mitigating effects of the practice of polygamy. For the region as a whole, the proportion of females professing the Christian faith (54.3%) is larger than for males. At the district level, Bongo has the highest proportion (63.3%) of communities with a primary school within the locality, while Bawku West has the lowest proportion (22.2%). Climate and Vegetation. In all the other districts, the proportion of localities 25 kilometres or more from a clinic facility varies from 6.6 per cent in Bolgatanga to 11.6 per cent in Bawku East. The region has three Midwifery Schools and one State Registered Nursing School. A few of the children are engaged in mining and quarrying activities (1.5%) in the private household activities (1.7%). The three major industrial activities at the national level are agriculture, including hunting, forestry and related work (49.1%), wholesale and retail trade (15.2%) and manufacturing (10.9%). These groups are numerous and have unique cultures and traditions. Ghanaians by birth or parenthood constitute 92.5 per cent of the population of the region. The significant other subgroups are the Kassena among the Grusi, the Busanga among the Mande-Busanga and the Bimoba among the Gurma. Careful assessment is needed to identify policies and interventions, appropriate to meet individual district needs and circumstances. Their population is estimated between 6 to 7 million about 40 per cent of the population. Since older men tend to marry younger women, and women survive longer than men on average, husbands are more likely to die earlier leaving more widowed women. Age structure of the economically active population (aged 15 years and older). The inter censual growth rate of 1.1 per cent per annum is slightly below one-half the national growth rate of 2.7 per cent and is the lowest regional growth rate recorded. To ensure that the headship goes with increased participation of females in decision making, efforts at empowerment of females should be intensified. Between the ages of 20 and 69 years, however there are more females than males. Studies conducted along the coast of Ghana reported 9 to 25% prevalence of W. The granitic formation, which is a component of the above, underlies about 65% of the region. These are polished and used in the cladding of commercial buildings and monuments. 3.1. Among other things, you will get to know the total communities each of them has, their administrative capitals, and how populated they are. The amount of rainfall recorded annually varies between 750mm and 1050mm. Millet stock or corn stock is used by 18 per cent of households in the region, and charcoal is used by 11.6 percent. The fact that females are increasingly assuming roles as heads of households does not mean that their role in decision making may also have increased, because the patriarchal system still marginalizes females in diverse ways. It also shares boundaries to the East by the Binduri district and the South by East Mamprusi community. A high proportion of the population in the districts aged 15 years or older had married. For the country as a whole, the proportion of the population that has ever attended school is 60.4 per cent (66.2% of males and 54.8% of females). Mass education programmes should be embarked upon and pursued with all seriousness before introducing interventions to educate people on the benefits of each intervention, to the individual and to the community, as well as on the consequences of not implementing the interventions on a sustainable basis. Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). On the whole, children are particularly dependent. In the absence of detailed characteristics of room occupants, the total number of sleeping rooms is used in this report to analyse over-crowding. Markets abound for these crafts in countries such as Britain, Germany and the USA. The regional level of illiteracy (78.1%) is much higher than the national average of 45.9 per cent (Figure 1.3). In the districts, the proportion literate in a Ghanaian language ranges from 0.5 per cent of the population aged 15 years and older in Bawku West to 2.6 per cent in Bongo. Navrongo has 35 pay phone booths and 45 communication centres and Bawku has 44 pay phone booths and 65 communication centres. sewerage system). They speak an Asanti dialect of Twi which is a language spoken by over ten million Asanti people as the first language. The dwindling yields of the Bongo Water System where the two out of the three boreholes being used currently is discharging a total of 50m. Disposal at a Public dump refers to the situation where the household disposes solid waste at a locally recognized place. Until 1984, Burkina Faso, meaning "Land of Incorruptible People" was known as . It is the nerve centre of all commercial activities in the whole of the Northern Sector of Ghana. The Upper East regional capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. About 51 per cent of the regions population have access to potable drinking water. There is also effective traditional leadership and vibrant Youth Development Associations to facilitate efficient and effective mobilization of local resources. Distances from locality to nearest facilities. The sex composition of the districts favours females. They include the Akan, Ewe, Mole-Dagbane, Guan, and Ga-Adangbe. The eligibility for this question is based on the average age of menarche and also on the practice in some parts of the country where girls as young as 12 years old could be given in marriage (Ghana Statistical Service, March 2002). Population sizes and densities are however not uniform in the districts. The five together make up 97.6 per cent of all occupations. Thus, even the regional capital district (Bolgatanga) does not show much difference from the total regional picture. The varied characteristics of the districts (demographic, social, economic, housing condition, availability and accessibility of selected basic community facilities) have policy implications for the districts. nonmigrants) varies from 86.7 per cent in the Bolgatanga to 93.5 per cent in the Bawku West, District. At the JSS level, the proportion of trained teachers is 80 percent, ranging from 71.7 per cent in Kassena- Nankana to 94.4 per cent in Bawku West. The proportion using the kerosene lamp varies from 78.1 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 92.7 per cent in the Builsa, District. There are thus fewer non-Ghanaians (2.1%) than naturalized Ghanaians, constituted of ECOWAS national (1%), other Africa (0.7%) and non-Africa (0.4%). Nationwide, 43.7 per cent of households use electricity as the main source of lighting while the kerosene lamp remains the major source of lighting for 54.9 per cent of households. The regions total ever married is higher than what is observed for the country as a whole where only two out of every three (68.1%) have ever married. The situation is not different for the districts in the region. The remaining categories are in the others category. The other one-third is appointed by the Central Government. 5. engagement in economic activity by children of school going age 7-14 years) is widespread in all districts. Teledensity (phones/per 100 populations is very low in the region (0.1) compared to the national density of 0.7). A little over a half (52.6%) of households using five or more sleeping rooms have seven or more members. The regions child survival rate of 78.6 per cent is 10.3 per cent lower than the national average of 86.7 percent. Distance and/or the time taken to reach a facility can affect the chances of survival of sick people especially in emergency situations. The first three together make up 90.7 per cent of occupations at the regional level. Bolgatanga, at present, has 90 Ghana Telecom pay phone booths and 179 privately owned commercial communications centres. The Upper East Region has incredible tourist sites and beautiful features that attract tourist to the region. While that recorded for under 20 years was 52.6 percent. 4). It lies between longitude 0 and 1 West, and latitudes 10 30N and 11N. The three account for a total of 75.2 per cent of the industrial activities of the economically active population (aged 15 years or older). Formal sector employees constitute 15.3 percent. The positions of these districts relative to the others remain the same with both males and females. The main administrative structure at the regional level is the Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC), headed by the Regional Minister. Ghana Ethnic Groups: FraFra Frafra Bibliography about this language: Grimes, Joseph E., editor. The Builsa South district was carved out of the then Builsa community and created on the 7th of June, 2012. The land is relatively flat with a few hills to the East and southeast. The most important of these, which are of immediate concern are adequate supporting infrastructure, trained staff, and financial resources. Almost one half (46.4%) of the population are Traditionalists, followed by Christians (28.3%) and Moslems (22.6%). This sector, therefore, needs to be modernized and injected with capital and technical expertise to enable it diversify its scope of activities to absorb the large numbers of potential job seekers. In relation to industry, there are more children in the private household industry than is recorded for the adult population. However, Ghanaian languages and other foreign languages are also taught in school in the Basic Education level. The population is primarily rural (84.3%) and scattered in dispersed settlements. In each district, there are slightly more females than males who are not working because of old age. Construction materials This page was last edited on 20 November 2022, at 19:40. Only the Kusasi and the Busanga constitute more than ten per cent of the population. The overall level of unemployment is highest in Bongo (26.0%) and Bawku West (27.4%). About one in four of the births (22.8%) occurs to mothers aged 15-24 years compared to 17.1 per cent to mothers aged 40-49 years. How many ethnic groups are in Ghana? Chiana, Binaba-Kusanaba and Pusiga do not have permanent water system staff offices. Erosion is a problem. Between ages 20 and 64 years, there is a higher proportion of females (45.1%) than males (36.8%), while those 65 years and older are 6.8 per cent males compared to 5.9 per cent females. 2. The actual number of homeless households is 24 which indicates that homelessness is not a major problem in Upper East. The substantial lack of formal sector office-based bureaucratic activities in the region and in the districts is reflected in the fact that the proportion administrative/ managerial and clerical related workers in the region make up only 1.7 per cent of the active population. The second major religion is Christianity, constituting of 28.3 percent; it is not predominant in any district. Navrongo also has a Health Research Centre. However, languages that belong to the same ethnic group are usually mutually intelligible. The private informal sector, especially agriculture and small-scale industries, is the largest source of employment in the region. The training of staff to acquire the skills that encourage and improve routine data collection, analysis and dissemination of routine data on the activities and programmes of various government and non-governmental organizations, are necessary for addressing development problems. However, the two adjacent districts in the Northern region, which are located to the South of Bawku East and Bawku West, are mostly Mamprusi. Where a female is identified as head of household, it is likely that she may be a single person, a single parent or a widow. The low level of population movement in the region is reflected in the fact that the proportion of the population born outside the locality of enumeration is not significantly different in the districts. The proportion of households enjoying rent-free accommodation ranges from 1.9 per cent in Bongo to 4.8 per cent in Bolgatanga. The highest proportion of mud/earth use is in Bongo (97.3%) while the lowest is in Bolgatanga (81.6%). Employees and the self-employed with employees (who could be taxed at source) make up less than a tenth in every district except the Kassena-Nankana (10.5%) and Bolgatanga (13.8%). As already indicated, the observed age-sex structure of the region follows, very closely, the pattern at the national level where there are more females than males in almost every age group upwards from age 20 years. The region is the least urbanised in the country. The survival rate of the children ever born varies from 70.0 per cent in the Bongo, to 80.8 per cent in the Bawku East, District. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! The major ethnic groups are the Dagaba, Sisaala and Wala. Since 92.3 per cent of the population aged 12-14 are never married, however, the data on marital status are presented only for the population 15 years or older. A partial explanation may be that several of the ethnic languages are only spoken and not written. The 2000 census data confirms that accessibility remains a problem. The use of shared cooking space is not very common in the region. Dipo festival - The Dipo festival is the greatest legacy of Krobo land. At the district level, Builsa (3.7%) and Bongo (3.8%) have the highest proportion while Bawku East (1.2%) and Bawku West (1.3%) have the lowest proportion of localities with an SSS facility. Capital Tamale, the capital, is the country's fourth largest city. Apprentices and others make up the remaining 1.6 percent. When educational attainment is restricted to the population aged 6 years and over, the proportion in the region which has never attended school is 71.8 percent. The same pattern is observed in each district. The rural population in 1984 was 87.1 percent. For the majority of households in the region (68.4%) the facility available is either a public dumpsite (13.2%) or elsewhere at their convenience (55.2%), which could be a stream or open gutter or on someones undeveloped plot of land, all of which have serious environmental and health consequences (Ghana Statistical Service, March 2002). Almost one in five (18.8%) of households in the region cook in the open space within the dwelling unit. 1975. The full participation of women is not only necessary as a social right, but is also essential for increased productivity. The proportion of males in agriculture is 71.8 per cent compared with 61.2 per cent females. There are 92.6 males to 100 females, which is a slight increase over the 91.0 males per 100 females in 1984. The age-structures of the districts are examined in broad and sometimes overlapping segments namely: children under fives years (0-4 years), children below 15 years, youth aged 15-19 years, the conventional working force age group of 15-64 years and the conventional aged dependent group of 65 years and older. These are, traditional birth attendants (TBAs), who play the role of midwives, especially in the rural areas, faith healers, who operate from religious movements and derive their healing powers through faith in a Divine Being, fetish priests, including indigenous priests and priestesses of shrines, ritual and cult leaders, and herbalists. Naturalized Ghanaians constitute a further 5.3 per cent and the rest are non-Ghanaians. This rock formation is considered to be of shallow water continental origin, derived from the Birimian granitic complexes and has been subjected to low-grade metamorphism. The proportion that attained Secondary/Teacher Training level varies from 3.0 per cent in Bawku West to 5.2 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. With only 21 per cent of the population living in urban areas, the region is the least urbanized in Ghana. This is because the upper half is underlain by granites and its subsidiary Birimian metamorphics as compared to the Voltaian mudstones and shales in the southern half of the region. The region as a whole is poorly served with telephone facilities. The Lower Birimian Series comprises phyllites, schists, shales, greywackes and siltstones whereas the Upper Birimian consists of thick beds of agglomerate, pyroclastic and hypabyssal intrusive rocks and the rock types are mostly grewackes and phyllites. The age structure of the population of the region indicates a broad base that gradually tapers off with increasing age. The Demography of Ghana describes the condition and overview of Ghana's population. Nabdam District became an Assembly by Legislative Instrument (L.I. literate in a Ghanaian language only or literate in English and a Ghanaian language) however is only 8.3 percent. It is worth noting also that in the region, between 46 and 58 per cent of households with ten or more persons have six or more sleeping rooms. This may even be a reflection of the definition of locality used in the census and/or proximity of a locality to the district capital. Currently, there are over 70 ethnic groups in the country. The regional average is 1.8 persons per room, which is well below the national average of 2.3 persons per room. 1). The retired/pensioner group ranges from 1.9 per cent in Bawku East to 3.9 per cent in Builsa. It is worth noting though that only 4.5 per cent have the facility in the locality itself. The Builsa, who constitute 7.6 per cent of the regions population, make up 84.1 per cent of the population of Builsa. A list of the top 8, 130+ sad rest in peace quotes for uncle who passed away, 100+ miss you sister quotes, messages, and texts to show your love, Painters in Ghana: 10 of the best visual artists in Ghana you should know, Nursing schools in Ghana: courses offered, fees, admission requirements 2022, US fraud trial begins over Elon Musk's 2018 Tesla tweets, 2023 wedding: Bride in high heels dances with energy at her wedding; folks say she over do am, "2 different people": Lady's pregnancy transformation has peeps in disbelief, Ghanaian preacher claims God has revealed to him that another pandemic is coming: Dont board buses. Is worth noting though that only 4.5 per cent in Builsa and Tongo.! Commercial activities in the census and/or proximity of a spouse last edited on 20 November,. Industry, there are over 70 ethnic groups in the living arrangements of households in the absence of detailed of. 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