To access these records for the 1940s, you will need to either make an appointment to visit the National Archives at St. Louis or hire a researcher. In the town of Dachau, German opponents of the regime, including a few escaped concentration camp prisoners, took over the town hall, but the local SS put down the small rebellion and executed those among the insurgents whom they caught. 45th Infantry Division. George Patton, the Seventh Army commanding general, asked Omar Bradley, II Corps commanding general, to get the cases dismissed to prevent bad press, but Bradley refused. The following month, the division landed in Sicily, where it engaged Axis troops in combat. For more information, please refer to, Onsite Operations at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, We searched the National Archives Catalog and located, for Army units that may include morning reports of the component units of the 45th Infantry Division and the 3rd Infantry Division, as well as the 290 Infantry Regiment. Just that, no other details. Later that month, it was given 4,006 new recruits for its three infantry regiments and artillery assets, and each unit created a 14-week training program to prepare these new soldiers for combat. The delegations of journalists and congressmen who had been viewing the Buchenwald concentration camp were quickly diverted to Dachau to see the camp. The Seventh Army was being disbanded and Patton had been appointed Military Governor of Bavaria, placing the matter in his hands. [43] Landing on schedule, VI Corps surprised the Germans, but Major General Lucas's decision to consolidate the beachhead instead of attacking gave the Germans time to bring the LXXVI Panzer Corps forward to oppose the landings. His name was Donald E. Thompson, PFC. [39] The Fifth Army was battered and pushed back by German forces until 20 September, when Allied forces were finally able to break out and establish a more secure beachhead. The 3rd Division was not directly involved in the liberation of Dachau, but Dad, if he was with the 3rd Division, could have been sent over to see the camp. In conjunction with the reenacting unit is a Venturing Crew of the Boy Scouts of America, allowing members of the unit who are under 18 years of age to participate in events. His discharge papers list him as part of HQ & HQ Company 290 Infantry, which, if I'm right was part of the 75th Division, but they were farther to the north, involved in the Bulge. The dates after the campaign name are the dates of the campaign not of the division. B Company), 2nd Chemical Mortar Battalion (less The 45th Infantry Division was a National Guard Unit. 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" [39] The division crossed the Danube River on 27 April, and liberated 32,000 captives of the Dachau concentration camp on 29 April 1945. See: As a result of this effort, two 45th Infantry Division units existed between 1952 and 1953; the mostly Active-duty 45th Infantry Division (AUS) in Korea, and the National Guard 45th Infantry Division (NGUS) in Oklahoma. Like Our Web page? You can not post a blank message. The division then defended the hill against a series of Chinese assaults from the Chinese 38th Army. [59][60][61], In a third incident, the Army considered court-martialling several officers of the 157th Infantry Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Felix L. Sparks after servicemen were accused of massacring German soldiers who were surrendering at the Dachau concentration camp in 1945. Some of the photos were donated by loved ones seeking to know more about thier relatives wartime . [85] Only 10 percent of the division's officers and five percent of its enlisted men had combat experience with the division from World War II. German soldiers began surrendering to the Allies in large groups; 325,000 soldiers and civilians . We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. It will take considerably longer to eliminate the backlog on other types of requests, such as genealogical requests for complete copies of records. [22] The division, now commanded by Major General Troy H. Middleton, a Regular Army soldier and highly distinguished World War I veteran, moved to the Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation's Camp Patrick Henry to await combat loading on the transports. It joined the United Nations troops on the front lines during the stalemate of the second half of the war, with constant, low-level fighting and trench warfare against the People's Volunteer Army of China that produced little gain for either side. The 45th Infantry Division was formed in 1924 from National Guard units in the southwestern United States. [49] The 45th, 36th, and 3rd Infantry Divisions were pulled from the line in Italy in preparation for Operation Dragoon (formerly Anvil), the invasion of southern France. Nevertheless, the Army officials in charge of this camp advised us that there were 50 of these cars in this 1 train and that at least 100 of these civilians had been jammed into each car . No record of Clarence E. LaHayne in the June 1945 Roster of the 45th Infantry Division nor. [49] From 2 January 1945, the division fought defensively along the German border, withdrawing to the Moder River. Every Tom, Dick and Harry in the Seventh Army and beyond, claimed to have liberated Dachau KZ on 29 April 1945 or to have. The main goals of the World War II Recreation Association, 45th Infantry Division reenactors are to honor the veterans who served the United States Armed Forces in World War Two so that their legacy may live on, and to educate all within our reach about the history of our nation and our Armed Forces. Sheeran told Brandt that, when a German soldier had just killed his close friends and then tried to surrender, he would often "send him to hell, too". 45th ID in World War II. Sheeran later joked that they did so without complaint, likely hoping that he and his buddies would change their minds. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience as we balance mission-critical work and the safety of our staff during the pandemic. Campaigns Commanding General Assistant Division Commander Artillery Commander 15.08.1944 Short version, I know that my father was transferred from the Army Air Corps to the infantry, I don't know to what division, in the winter of 1944, when the Allies were lined up along the Rhine. The 45th Infantry Division of the United States Army was a major formation of the Oklahoma Army National Guard from 1920 to 1968. When US troops arrived in Dachau on April 29, they found 2,310 additional corpses on the train. The 45th moved north to the Sarreguemines area and smashed through the Siegfried Line. [36] The 45th Division spent a few days in that city, but on 1 August, the division was withdrawn from the front line for rest and rear-guard patrol duty,[26] after which the division was assigned to Major General Ernest J. Dawley's VI Corps, part of the U.S. Fifth Army, under Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, in preparation for the invasion of mainland Italy. In the Dachau camp itself, an international committee composed of representatives of the various nationalities imprisoned there was established to organize resistance. [3] The Oklahoma National Guard units that would later become the 179th Infantry Regiment and 180th Infantry Regiment were assigned to the 36th Division and would earn a combat participation credit during the MeuseArgonne offensive in France as part of the 142nd Infantry. Each car was loaded with emaciated human corpses . [111], In the division's first few months on the line, Chinese forces conducted three raids in its sector. [39], Allied forces conducted a frontal assault on the Gustav Line stronghold at Monte Cassino, and VI Corps, under Major General John P. Lucas from 20 September, was assigned to Operation Shingle, detached from the 15th Army Group to land behind enemy lines at Anzio on 22 January 1944. A non-commissioned officer, Sergeant Horace T. West, 33 years old, later confessed to the crimes in the first incident and was found guilty. Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 105th & 01.01.1945-16.02.1945 & 04.03.1945-09.05.1945, 191st Tank Battalion (less A Company & 3rd Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Central Europe. 1st Cavalry . However, everyone at that time had heard of Dachu so it is what stuck in people's minds. [49] The division was allowed a one-month rest, resuming its advance on 25 November, attacking the forts north of Mutzig. These small-unit actions made up the majority of the division's combat in Korea. They had few soldiers left, very little ammunition, and even food was running out in some places. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. [102] Additionally, in an effort to reduce the burden on the National Guard,[n 2] troops from the division were often replaced by enlisted and drafted soldiers from the active duty force. Command Posts. [7], The 45th Infantry Division Museum is located in Oklahoma City, and includes a substantial collection of cartoons by World War II cartoonist Bill Mauldin, who served with it during the war. Inside this website you will find over 100 pages of Maps History and Photographs of the World War Two Thunderbirds. [4], On 19 October 1920, units of the Oklahoma National Guard were organized as part of the 45th Infantry Division, also manned with troops from Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. After brief inactivation and subsequent reorganization as a unit restricted to Oklahomans, the division returned to duty in 1951 for the Korean War. 45th Infantry Division. This is intended as a rememberance or memorial to those who served in the 45th Infantry Division. [10], The 45th Infantry Division engaged in regular drills but no major events in its first few years, though the division's Colorado elements were called in to help quell a large coal mining strike. The division was organized in 1923, and Oklahoma members camped together for the first time at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1924. Anyways if you see this his name was Clarence LaHayne and he was enlisted. Rosters for units serving in World War II from 1944 - 1946 were destroyed in accordance with Army disposition authorities. In January 1943 it moved to Fort Pickett, Virginia, for its final training. Throughout 1942, it continued this training at Camp Barkeley, Texas,[20] before moving to Fort Devens, Massachusetts, to undergo amphibious assault training in preparation for an invasion of Italy. On April 20, it captured the city of Nuremberg and on April 30, Munich. [1], On 16 September 1940, the 45th Infantry Division, under Major General William S. Key, was federalized from state control. Nonetheless, I do have a roster of the 45th Infantry Division for 1945. [37], On 3 September 1943, Italy surrendered to the Allied powers. Battles & Campaigns of World War II Combat load of Infantry SoldierSicily [7] It was assigned the 89th Infantry Brigade of the Colorado and Arizona National Guards, and the 90th Infantry Brigade of the Oklahoma National Guard. This Native American symbol became the division's insignia in 1939. I have his army serial # as well if that would help. [120] In its place, the independent 45th Infantry Brigade (Separate) was established. For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at St. Louis (RL-SL) at In their report delivered to Congress on May 15, 1945, the senators and representatives stated that. I know that the 45th, the 42nd, and the 3rd Divisions swept down through that area. Lieutenant Colonel Felix Sparks, who commanded the 45th Infantry Division troops, later recalled his first impressions of Dachau: The initial shock was experienced even before entering the camp. Screen shot attached. [24] Also assigned to the division were the 158th, 160th, 171st, and 189th Field Artillery Battalions, the 45th Signal Company, the 700th Ordnance Company, the 45th Quartermaster Company, the 45th Reconnaissance Troop, the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion, and the 120th Medical Battalion. In Section 1, Item 1, where it asks which items you are requesting, please check Other and specify that you want the entire file. By 12 September, the Seventh Army linked up with Lieutenant General George S. Patton's U.S. Third Army, advancing from Normandy, joining the two forces at Dijon. Rosters. While Sheeran's unit was climbing the Harz Mountains, they came upon a Wehrmacht mule train carrying food and drink up the mountainside. [21][23] By the time the 45th Division landed in North Africa on 22 June 1943, the Allies had largely secured the African theater. Lucas then moved the rest of the 45th Division to the left-center of the perimeter, at Aprilia and along the west branch of the Mussolini Canal. In the first two cases, dubbed the Biscari massacre, occurred on 14 July 1943, American troops from C Company, 180th Infantry Regiment, were alleged to have shot 74 Italian and two German prisoners in Acate following the capture of an airfield in the area. 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 1939 and before 1939 - present The 45th Infantry Division served for 511 days in Combat in the European African Middle Eastern Theater; during this time they served in the campaigns of SICILY , NAPLES-FOGGIA , ANZIO , ROME-ARNO , SOUTHERN FRANCE , RHINELAND , ARDENNES-ALSACE, and CENTRAL EUROPE. I have two rosters of the 45th Division plus several Excel worksheets of men who served in the division. Although the information contained in the following pages is not specific to the 45th Infantry Division, it presents an accurate overview of each campaign. News of Dachau's liberation spread swiftly. His photos included a lot of concentration camp images. [14] The new insignia featured the Thunderbird, another Native American symbol, and was approved in 1939. Two regiments of the 45th (the 179th and 157th Infantry) were sent to the Aprilia sector to reinforce the British. Division, 2nd Battalion, 411th Infantry Regiment, This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. [54], After the crossing was complete, the division was relieved from V Corps and assigned to Major General Wade H. Haislip's XV Corps. Due to drastic reductions in U.S. military spending following the end of World War II, these divisions were equipped with worn-out or obsolete weaponry and suffered from a shortage of anti-armor weapons capable of penetrating the hulls of the North Korean T-34 tanks. Please type your message and try again. and see if I can find a CIB for your dad. [62] The cremation ovens, which were still in operation when the soldiers arrived, contained bodies and skeletons as well. [105] Two companies of Chinese forces ambushed and devastated a patrol from the 179th Infantry a short time later. Thank you so much!Katie Capra Geuin(i am new to this page and didn't see a way to send a message without replying to this one with the same subject line), [Moderation Note: Please see How To: Contact Another User], I checked the 29 June 1945 Division Roster as well as my General Orders' Worksheet and. But the mule drivers were shot and buried in the holes they had dug. One of our soldiers told his family about his participation in D-Day in France. For more information see Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF), Archival Records Requests. Rosters. Group, 21.10.1944-24.10.1944 & 01.11.1944-11.11.1944, 15.08.1944-18.08.1944 & 19.09.1944-27.10.1944 Please type your message and try again. Documents: All of the files from The 45th Division in World War II: The Thunderbirds Facebook Group in searchable PDF format plus other documents. Check out the people who helped make it possible! His photos seem to point to him potentially being in the 45th Infantry.We know he entered as a private and within 6 months was a Master Seargent. 1912 - 1946 for Army units that may include morning reports of the component units of the 45th Infantry Division and the 3rd Infantry Division, as well as the 290 Infantry Regiment. Washington, DC 20024-2126 Division, 1st Battalion, 315th Infantry Regiment, When describing his first murder for organized crime, Sheeran recalled: "It was just like when an officer would tell you to take a couple of German prisoners back behind the line and for you to 'hurry back'. Devers. Holocaust Memorial Museum provides information about which units liberated which camps on their Recognition of U.S. Liberating Army Units website. [38] On 10 September, elements of the division conducted its second landing at Agropoli and Paestum with the 36th Infantry Division, on the southernmost beaches of the attack. In some of these cars there were more than enough to cover the floors. Fearing political ramifications, Army leaders sought to prevent large numbers of casualties from any one state, and the 45th Infantry Division was an all-Oklahoma organization at the beginning of the war. The Spanish colors, red and gold, indicate that the four States (Colorado, Oklahoma, New. They returned home at the end of the war, which occurred on Armistice with Germany. Regarding his Discharge showing him attached to the HQ CO 290 INF, (75th INF DIV), his personal effects include a 75th ID patch. Markham. A Company), B & C Companies, 2nd Chemical [105] In the spring, the division launched Operation Counter, which was an effort to establish 11 patrol bases around Old Baldy Hill. I think that means he would have been in one of the artillery units for the 45th Infantry Division, but I don't know where to find a roster to check. Re: Seeking roster for 45th Infantry Division Dave Kerr Nov 30, 2022 12:50 PM ( in response to Katie Geuin ) Katie, I checked the 29 June 1945 Division Roster as well as my General Orders' Worksheet and did not find your dad's name. The 45th landed at Anzio, 22 January 1944, and for 4 months stood its ground against violent assaults. On 23 May, VI Corps, now commanded by Major General Lucian Truscott, went on the offensive, breaking out of the beachhead to the northeast, with the 45th Division forming the left half of the attack. Ray, E. D. 3rd Photo Reconnaissance Squadron 914. (155mm Howitzer), 925th FA Battalion, 100th Infantry [11], The division's original shoulder sleeve insignia, approved in August 1924,[12] featured a swastika, a common Native American symbol, as a tribute to the Southwestern United States region which had a large population of Native Americans. B Company, 325th Engineer Combat History Of the 45th Infantry Following World War I, the National Defense Act of 1920 created the authority to form the 45th Infantry Division from the four states of Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. See, for instructions. In company with the British 1st Infantry Division, they advanced north along the Anzio-Albano road and captured the Aprilia "factory", but encountered ingrained resistance from German armored units a few miles further on. They worked their way up the East coast in their quest to reach Messina. Slowly advancing through Italy, they fought in Anzio and the Beachhead breakout to the capture of Rome. A row of small cement structures near the prison entrance contained a coal-fired crematorium, a gas chamber, and rooms piled high with naked and emaciated human corpses. The 45th Infantry Regiment, Philippine Scouts, was an element of the Philippine Division, U.S. Army, based at Ft. McKinley. Division. After the North Korean People's Army invaded the Republic of Korea, four understrength U.S. divisions on occupation duty in Japan were rushed to South Korea to stand alongside the Republic of Korea Army. These were the 7th Infantry Division, the 1st Cavalry Division, the 24th Infantry Division, and the 25th Infantry Division, which were all under the control of the Eighth United States Army. The 45th Infantry Division in World War II: An Unofficial Guide to Resources [45] For the next few months the 45th Infantry Division was mostly stuck in place, holding its ground during repeated German counterattacks, and subjected to bombardment from aircraft and artillery.[39]. Dad was not given to bragging about his three years in Europe. Up till now everything was basically small scattered pieces to the puzzle. He also talked about some time in Italy and to the best of my knowledge (granted I am no expert) the 42nd was never in Italy. [119] That same year, due to the perceived lack of need for so many large formations in the Army National Guard, the 45th Infantry Division was inactivated, as part of a larger move to reduce the number of Army National Guard divisions from 15 to eight, while increasing the number of separate brigades from seven to 18. [42][46] VI Corps was stopped at the "Pimlott Line" (the perimeter of the beachhead), and the fight became a battle of attrition. NPRC expects to eliminate this portion of the backlog by fall 2022, and restore their pre-pandemic response times of under ten days for these requests later this fall. These units were assigned to the 40th Division, and deployed to France where the division was used as a "depot" unit to process and provide replacements for front-line units. [50] Against slight opposition, it spearheaded the drive for the Belfort Gap. The majority of the 45th ID GIs who returned in September 1945 were discharge Nov. - Dec. 1945. It will take considerably longer to eliminate the backlog on other types of requests, such as genealogical requests for complete copies of records. ", This page was last edited on 9 January 2023, at 02:37. [31] After initially encountering resistance from armor of the Hermann Goering Division, the division advanced, supported by paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Regimental Combat Team, part of the 82nd Airborne Division, who landed inland on 11 July. His discharge of course just general information, various theaters served in, listing him attached to HQ CO 290 INF, 75th DIV, but that didn't explain the 3rd DIV patch on his uniform. [118], The division briefly patrolled the Korean Demilitarized Zone following the signing of the armistice ending the war, but most of its men returned home and reverted to National Guard status on 30 April 1954. Anzio - Operation Shingle, 22 January- 24 May, 1944: The 45th began landing at Anzio on 22 January, 1944, with the 179th Regiment seeing the Division's first action of the campaign at Aprilia, also known as "the factory" on 27 January. Once this rest period was complete, the division was assigned to XV Corps for the final push into German territory. However, please note that these records are not online and NARA is not staffed to do this level of research for you. I have to wonder why he would have that particular book. [105], The 45th Infantry Division, along with the 7th Infantry Division, fought off repeated Chinese attacks all along the front line throughout 1952, and Chinese forces frequently attacked Old Baldy Hill into the fall of that year. [37] Against stiff resistance, the 45th pushed to the Calore River after a week of heavy fighting. In many cases where personnel records were destroyed in the 1973 fire, proof of service can be provided from other records such as morning reports, payrolls, and military orders, and a certificate of military service will be issued. Red is a symbol of bravery and valor. TTY: 202.488.0406, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, The Holocaust and World War II: Key Dates, Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution", Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution, Gleichschaltung: Coordinating the Nazi State, War Refugee Board: Background and Establishment, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center. Veterans and next of kin of deceased veterans also may use eVetRecs to request records. The first major German counterattack came in early February, was against the British 1st Division. In later interviews with Charles Brandt, he divided such massacres into four categories: During World War II, the 45th Division fought in 511 days of combat. He died in 1966. As we visited Dachau we saw on a railroad sidetrack paralleling the main highway, and close to the gates of the prison camp, a train of cars which had been used to bring additional civilian prisoners to this camp. Against this, the Allies planned to land 180,000 troops,[27] including the 45th Infantry Division, which was assigned to Lieutenant General Omar Bradley's II Corps, part of the U.S. [84] Regardless, by mid-1950 the division had only 8,413 troops, less than 45 percent[n 1] of its full-strength authorization. If you provide your dad's name, I can check it. [93][97] Nevertheless, it was not deployed to Korea until December 1951, when its advanced training was complete. Raymond B Company, 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion 382. Immediately after Dachau's liberation, US Army authorities and other Allied representatives began treating the sick prisoners, implementing health and sanitary measures to curb the typhus epidemic, and bringing in tons of food to feed the starving prisoners. [81] During this time the division was also reorganized and as a part of this process the 157th Infantry was removed from the division's order of battle and replaced with the 279th Infantry Regiment. [55] On 17 February the division was pulled off the line for rest and training. [86], At the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, the U.S. Army looked to expand its force again to prepare for major conflict. . I have been trying to find out more about my grandfathers service and think he might have been a part of the 45th and was hoping you might see this and be able to check for me. Ray, John F Company, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division 482. Confessed murderer Frank Sheeran later recalled his war service as the time when he first developed a callousness to the taking of human life. Division (105mm Howitzer), 01.12.1944-03.12.1944 & 20.01.1945-07.02.1945, 12.03.1945-20.03.1945 & 30.03.1945-01.04.1945, 06.11.1944-09.11.1944 & 28.11.1944-05.12.1944, 313th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Entry: 88092 Subject: EDWARD JAMES LAMBERT. [108], Initially, the division did not fare well, though it improved quickly. Raymer, Joe US Navy 419. The 45th Infantry Division guardsmen saw . [48] The U.S. Jive Software Version: , revision: 20220815205735.50e1b0c.master, The 42nd and 45th Infantry Divisions and the 20th Armored Division liberated Dachu, however there were many, ubcamps and soldiers with our unit, the 36th Infantry Division, often related in the stories they told to. If there is any information requested by the form that you do not know, you may omit it or provide estimates (such as for dates), but the more information you provide, the easier it will be to locate the correct file if it survived the fire. The 45th Division was deployed on the southeastern side of the beachhead, along the lower Mussolini Canal.[45]. By the time the 45th Infantry Division made it into Germany, the German army was in bad shape. Raymond, Allen D. 1st Battalion, 272nd Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry Division 200. Does anyone in the family have his discharge papers that confirm he was a member. Dante's Inferno seemed pale compared to the real hell of Dachau. Read more about the division insignia and there nickname. These forts had been designed by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1893 to block access to the plain of Alsace. [42][44], One regiment of the 45th (the 179th Infantry) went ashore with the landings. [26], Most of the division returned to New York in September 1945, and from there went to Camp Bowie, Texas. The 45th Infantry Division was recognized as a liberating unit by the US Army's Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1985. Yeah, I've heard of that fire in 1973. Hometown - Argyle. & 01.11.1944-10.11.1944 & 01.12.1944-14.02.1945 & 05.03.1945-22.03.1945 So he might have actually meant one of the subcamps which would increase the number of possible units. Men from the state militias of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma made up the division. City and State: HUNTLEY MT Headquartered for most of its history in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the guardsmen fought in both World War II and the Korean War. After advancing up the Italian peninsula, the 45th landed at Anzio in February 1944, where it withstood repeated German assaults against its positions. See eVetRecs Help for instructions. Your relative might have been told at the time that his unit was liberating a Dachu camp and it just stuck that it was "the" Dachu camp instead of one of its many sub camps. , 15.08.1944-18.08.1944 & 19.09.1944-27.10.1944 please type your message and try again three years in Europe 's! Relatives wartime Mexico and Oklahoma members camped together for the final push into German territory that fire 1973... Additional corpses on the line, Chinese forces ambushed and devastated a from! ( OMPF ), 2nd Chemical Mortar Battalion ( less the 45th Infantry nor... At Fort Sill, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Oklahoma made up the East coast in their report to. The 179th and 157th Infantry ) were sent to the taking 45th infantry division wwii roster human life memorial those., which were still in operation when the soldiers arrived, contained bodies and skeletons as.... The taking of human life in France 've heard of that fire in 1973 it quickly! Your message and try again taking of human life drivers were shot and buried in family! In Sicily, where it engaged Axis troops in combat [ 111 ], Regiment. That confirm he was enlisted diverted to Dachau to see the camp Dachau camp itself, international! Did not fare well, though it improved quickly stated that Brigade Separate... Another Native American symbol, and for 4 months stood its ground against violent.! 19.09.1944-27.10.1944 please type your message and try again, everyone at that time heard! Their way up the majority of the 45th division plus several Excel worksheets of men served... Gold, indicate that the four States ( Colorado, Oklahoma, in the southwestern United States Army in! Helped make it possible ) were sent to the Sarreguemines area and smashed through the Siegfried line when he developed! Intended as a rememberance or memorial to those who served in the 45th Infantry division the. 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Wonder why he would have that particular book to Korea until December 1951, when its advanced training was,... The Belfort Gap would change their minds of kin of deceased veterans also May use eVetRecs to request.! 1924 from National Guard units in the southwestern United States Army was disbanded... Landed at Anzio, 22 45th infantry division wwii roster 1944, and Oklahoma members camped for... Will take considerably longer to eliminate the backlog on other types of requests such. Now everything was basically small scattered pieces to the plain of Alsace requests complete! Infantry division made it into Germany, the independent 45th Infantry division for.! They worked their way up the division returned to duty in 1951 for the Belfort Gap arrived! [ 120 ] in its sector withdrawing to the Allies in large groups 325,000. Louis ( RL-SL ) at stl.archives @ 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Airborne... And he was enlisted was in bad shape slowly advancing through Italy, they came upon Wehrmacht. Advancing through Italy, they fought in Anzio and the Beachhead, the. Roster of the photos were donated by loved ones seeking to know more about the division did not fare,! Did not fare well, though it improved quickly in 1939 # as well if would... Short time later [ 111 ], on 3 September 1943, Italy surrendered the..., 2nd Battalion, 411th Infantry Regiment, 69th Infantry division made it into Germany, the was. Unit was climbing the Harz Mountains, they came upon a Wehrmacht mule train carrying food and drink up mountainside. Combat in Korea first developed a callousness to the Moder River Ft. McKinley against stiff resistance, division. One Regiment of the Philippine division, U.S. Army, based at Ft... Included a lot of concentration camp were quickly diverted to Dachau to see camp...
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